It's well after Valentine's Day, but we've had a ton of snow out here this winter, and my son's class is actually having their party today. We created cute little bags for his classmates, and I thought I'd share the template and our results.
To get the ball rolling, I made some of the hearts and a few other decorations, but my five year old impressively put in another two hours coloring the rest. I did the cutting, and my husband did the gluing (with a little Mod Podge). Together, we made 23 of these:

We stuffed them with a piece of dark chocolate and a few heart stickers and sent them off with my son this morning. I am looking forward to hearing what the kids think!
If you'd like a copy of this template, you can download this picture below (select Fit to Print on your printer), or leave a comment, and I will email you a PDF.
Happy belated Valentine's Day!
To get the ball rolling, I made some of the hearts and a few other decorations, but my five year old impressively put in another two hours coloring the rest. I did the cutting, and my husband did the gluing (with a little Mod Podge). Together, we made 23 of these:
We stuffed them with a piece of dark chocolate and a few heart stickers and sent them off with my son this morning. I am looking forward to hearing what the kids think!
If you'd like a copy of this template, you can download this picture below (select Fit to Print on your printer), or leave a comment, and I will email you a PDF.
Happy belated Valentine's Day!