Before I went to sleep last night, I decided to make a quick
Valentine's Day card for my four year old to wake up to. I did not plan
out the page, but I knew I wanted it to say, "Dear Archer, I Love You."
This is how it turned out:
Although I received a humongous hug and various words of gratitude, my son finally said, "Where's the 'You'?" I said I'd kinda messed up, but the real message was there, and that in fact, it was much more of a solid statement this way. He was unconvinced but moved on graciously.
This is how it turned out:
Although I received a humongous hug and various words of gratitude, my son finally said, "Where's the 'You'?" I said I'd kinda messed up, but the real message was there, and that in fact, it was much more of a solid statement this way. He was unconvinced but moved on graciously.