Today was the deadline for my last submission in
Lilla Rogers'
MATS Bootcamp class. The initial mini-assignment and the overall focus was on our Favorite
Beverage. The final piece should be something to give to a dear friend, or something that we'd put on our bedroom wall.
What was very different this month, was that we were asked not to post our works-in-progress on the MATS Facebook group. This prevented us from being influenced (and/or intimidated) by our classmates' work, and from seeking the opinions of others to make our own decisions. I needed to ask myself if
I liked my final work and not be concerned with anyone else. Seeking approval can be a big challenge for me, and I loved this exercise.
I worked on my project up to the last minute, wavering between two very different directions. One was more editorial-ish; the other, very personal. I went with the personal one below. As I thought of my favorite drink, I thought more about memories of drinks and mealtimes. I thought of drinking juice in the morning at my Grandma Erma's farm, out of little, glass jelly jars. I thought of the lighting when I would sit down for breakfast, the window to my right, the expansive grass out the window, the big farm sink to my left. And I also thought of my Grandpa Iver, and how much I'd have liked to have him sit down with me for some juice and buttered toast. I used watercolor and graphite paper drawings to create this collage.
Part of me wanted to go with a more obvious Favorite Beverage theme, though, and I created many variations of the collage below. It was based on my coffee cup drawings, and I wanted it to seem soothing, like she was drinking a morning elixir.
As always, your feedback, comments and suggestions as welcome!